Labels:bulletin board | earth | hakham | monitor | path | person | poster | reckoner | road | sky | skyscraper | stairs | stairway OCR: Danish astronomer published an accurate catalagaf the star that praved comets were real and nat as Aristotle had claimed illusionistic atmospheric phenomena that foretold negative turns of events in human affairs Tycho Brahe's progressive observations f the heavens were made possible by whole new set of instruments that he assembled l at his observatory ir Uran- iborg His discovery ir 1572 f a supernava in the constellation Cassiope was taken to augur a new af secular interest in the sky and earth Sorme twenty five years later Johannes Kepler published the first f his great works the Mysterur .cosmographicum in which he demonstrated the superiority of the Copernican over the Ptolemaic system, showing that the former was mare consistent, in its simplicity and harmony with actual observa tio ...